
Archivio Fritz Stuber

Classificatore 1
Raccolta articoli su Harar, Etiopia
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
1 Articolo Radhika Coomaraswamy "Wie die Dritte Welt die Menschenrechte sieht" UNESCO-Kurier 8/9(1982), p. 49-52
In allegato
2 Articolo Yoshikazu Sakamoto "Die Menschenrechte sind universell" UNESCO-Kurier 8/9(1982), p. 52-54
In allegato
3 Opuscolo Fachbuchandlung für Orientalistik, Archäologie und Ethnologie, Libresso AG Byzanz und orientalisches Christentum Bibliographie n. 106, Zürich, 1987
In allegato
4 Articolo Newsletter - Société Suisse d’études africaines (Schweizerische Afrika-Gesellschaft) 1(1997)
In allegato
5 Opuscolo Libresso & Walu Afrika, Ozeanien, Altamerika herausgegeben von der Libresso AG und der Afrika-Galerie Walu im Oktober 1986
In allegato
6 Articolo Tobias Hagmann "Tücken des äthiopischen Föderalismus. Destabilisierende Machtspiele im Teilstaat Somali" Neue Zürcher Zeitung n. 158, 11 July 2003,  p. 5
In allegato
7 Articolo "Alle Macht für die Befreiungsfront von Tigray. Äthiopiens ethnischer Scheinföderalismus" Neue Zürcher Zeitung n. 158, 10/11 July 2004, p. 9
In allegato
8 Articolo Erich Wiedemann "Wie die Hungerhilfe ein Land in der Armut hält" Spiegel online 24 November 2005 http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/aethiopien-wie-die-hungerhilfe-ein-land-in-der-armut-haelt-a-386561.html
In allegato
9 Fogli sciolti Girma Fisseha Traditionelle Architektur in Äthiopien Bayerische Architektenkammer February 2005
In allegato
10 Articolo "Traditionelle Architektur Äthiopien"
In allegato
11 Opuscolo Harari National Administrative Region August 1994, 15 p.
In allegato
12 Fogli sciolti Appel à la solidarité internationale de M.Federico Mayor, directeur général de l’UNESCO, à l’occasion du lancement de la campagne internationale de sauvegarde des principaux monuments et sites d’Éthiopie (fotocopie)
In allegato
13 Articolo Nita Bhalla "The hyena man of Harar" BBC News/World/Africa 1 July 2002, 3 p. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/2079781.stm
In allegato
14 Articolo "Ancient Ethiopian city looks to future with tourism" 2007, 2 p. http://cnn.com/2007/TRAVEL/getaways/09/27/ethiopia.harar.ap/index.html
In allegato
15 Articolo Abdurahman Y. Garad "The city-state of Harar, 1800-1850" 1998, 7 p. http://www.everythingharar.com/publication.php?detail=421#
In allegato
16 Rapporto Harrarghe Catholic Secretariat Continuation of the cash for work program for the rehabilitation for ex service men, destitute women and jobless people at Harar and Asebe Teferi towns.Comprehensive Final Project Report April 1995-December 1997, p. 1-18
In allegato
17 Rapporto Harrarghe Catholic Secretariat Continuation of the cash for work program for the rehabilitation for ex service men, destitute women and jobless people at Harar and Asebe Teferi towns. Interim progress report April 1996, p. 2-9
In allegato
18 Rapporto Harrarghe Catholic Secretariat Continuation of the cash for work program for the rehabilitation for ex service men, destitute women and jobless people at Harar and Asebe Teferi towns. Interim Progress Report 30 October 1996, p. 2-21
In allegato
19 Rapporto Harrarghe Catholic Secretariat Continuation of the cash for work program for the rehabilitation for ex service men, destitute women and jobless people at Harar and Asebe Teferi towns. Interim Progress Report 30 March 1997, p. 1-13
In allegato attachments
20 Rapporto Harrarghe Catholic Secretariat Continuation of the cash for work program for the rehabilitation for ex service men, destitute women and jobless people at Harar and Asebe Teferi towns. Interim Progress Report 30 June 1997, p. 1-6
In allegato
21 Rapporto Harrarghe Catholic Secretariat Continuation of the cash for work program for the rehabilitation for ex service men, destitute women and jobless people at Harar and Asebe Teferi towns. Interim Progress Report February 1996, p. 3-13
In allegato
22 Documento Humanitäre Hilfe Beitragsgesuch, Projekt 9506140002 Luzern, Caritas Schweiz, 17 July 1995, 7 p.
In allegato
23 Rapporto Operationeller Schlussbericht. Land: Aethiopien. Aktion: Cash-for-Programme zugunsten ehemaliger Soldaten durch Haraghe Catholic Secretariat (HCS) May 1995, 2 p.
In allegato
24 Documento Dieter Nussbaum, Odilo Noti Ost-Äthiopien: Beschäftigungsprogramm für ehemalige Soldaten. Der lange Schatten des Krieges 3 July 1996, 2 p.
In allegato
25 Formato misto Major Structural Forms of Precolonial African Dwellings (pictures / plans / maps)
In allegato
26 Rapporto Fritz Stuber Ethiopia. Master Plan for the safeguarding of the historic town of Harar. Mission report December 1998, 30 p. (original typescript)
In allegato
27 Capitolo Richard Burton "Ten days at Harar" First Footsteps in Africa ed. Gordon Waterfield London, 1856, p. 173-204
In allegato
28 Capitolo Sidney R. Waldron "Harar: The Muslim city in Ethiopia" Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Ethiopian Studies Chicago, 1978, p. 239 -251
In allegato
29 Documento The preservation problem of Harar city 3 p.
In allegato 1 map
30 Articolo Elisabeth Biasio "Äthiopien im Spiegel seiner Volksmalerei im Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich" Völkerkundemuseum der Universität Zürich, 4 p.
In allegato
31 Articolo "World Heritage: Two appeals by the Director – General" UNESCO News 14 January 1985, n.145
In allegato
32 Articolo Amadou-Mahtar M’Bow "On behalf of the international campaign to safeguard the city of Sana’a" 19 December 1994, 4 p.
In allegato
33 Capitolo Richard Punkhurst "Harar" History of Ethiopian towns. From the Mid-nineteenth century to 1935 ed. Ernst Hammerschmidt Stuttgart, 1985, p. 178-190
In allegato
34 Capitolo Richard Punkhurst "Harar" History of Ethiopian towns from the middle age of the nineteenth century Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag, 1982, p. 298-304
In allegato
35 Capitolo Richard Punkhurst "Harar, Menilek’s Occupation" History of Ethiopian towns. From the Mid-nineteenth century to 1935 ed. Ernst Hammerschmidt Stuttgart, 1985, p. 254-270
In allegato
36 Articolo "Conservation of the Walled City of Harar" (Architects: Ministry of Culture and Information, Harar, Ethiopia; Programme: A conservation programme for the 14th century walled city which includes the restoration of the city walls, of traditional Harari houses, and the restoration of the Maison Rimbaud) 21 p. (images / plans)
In allegato attachments (The Aga Khan Award for Architecture, 1998 Architect’s record)
Classificatore 2
Raccolta articoli su Harar, Etiopia
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
37 Capitolo "Erklärung der Fremdwörter" Jenny n. 14(1957), p. 265-268
In allegato 2 mappe
38 Capitolo "Ausspracheregeln übliche Schreibweisen" n. 16(1967), p. 160-164
In allegato
39 Articolo Waldron Sidney Ralph "Social organization and social control in the walled city of Harar, Ethiopia" OAI, Columbia University, 1974, p. 404
In allegato
40 Documento The preservation problem of Harar City (abstract typescript)
In allegato “Kurzer geschichtlicher Abriβ in Daten”; “Bevӧlkerung” ; “Politisches System, Parteien und gesellschaftliche Organisationen“
41 Fascicolo Negarit Gazeta 46th year, n. 15, 13 June, 1987, p. 121-138
In allegato
42 Articolo Rita Eldon "Rimbaud in Harar" Ethiopia Observer vol. 2. n. 2(1958), p. 59-62
In allegato
43 Articolo Richard K.P. Pankhurst "Harar in the old days" Ethiopia Observer vol. 2. n. 2(1958), p. 47-55
In allegato
44 Articolo Sylvia Pankhurst "Harar under Egyptian rule" Ethiopia Observer vol. 2. n. 2(1958), p. 56-58
In allegato
45 Articolo Richard K.P. Pankhurst "Harar at the turn of the Century" Ethiopia Observer vol. 2. n. 2(1958), p. 62-66
In allegato
46 Articolo Sylvia Pankhurst "A visit to Harar" Ethiopia Observer vol. 2. n. 2(1958), p. 34-46
In allegato
47 Articolo "The Palace that Ras Makonnen Built" Ethiopia Observer vol. 2. n. 2(1958), p. 56-58
In allegato
48 Capitolo Elisabeth Dorothea Hecht "The voluntary associations and the social status of Harari women" Ethiopian Studies. Proceedings of the sixth International Conference, Tel Aviv, 14- 17.1980 p. 295-313
In allegato
49 Articolo Elisabeth Dorothea Hecht "The city of Harar and the traditional Harar House" Journal of Ethiopian Studies vol. 15, August 1982, p. 57-77
In allegato
50 Capitolo "Das Wichtigste aus der neueren Literatur über die Adâl-Länder, Harâr und deren nächste Nachbargebiete" Die geographische Erforschung der Adâl-Länder und Harâr's in Ost-Afrika veröffentlicht von Dr. Philipp Paulitschke Leipzig, 1888, p. 97–109
In allegato
51 Documento Harrar (Nomenclatur and tribal grouping ; Ort und physische Umgebung ; Agrikultur ; Tradition und Geschichte ; Oekonomie, … Main cultural features ; Dress ; Ornaments …) 7 p. (dattiloscritto)
In allegato "Das Fürstentum Harrar", 6 p.
52 Capitolo Philippe Paulitschke "Leben und Treiben in der Stadt Harar" Harrar-Forschungsreise nach den Somal- und Gallaländern Ostafrikas Leipzig, 1888, p. 249–273
In allegato
53 Capitolo Philippe Paulitschke "Historische Documente aus Harar" Harrar-Forschungsreise nach den Somal- und Gallaländern Ostafrikas Leipzig, 1888, p. 500-506
In allegato
54 Capitolo William A. Shack "Harari. Nomenclature and tribal grouping" The central Ethiopians. Amhara, Tigrina and related people London, 1974, p. 118-141
In allegato
55 Capitolo Salvatore Tedeschi "L’emirato di Harar secondo un documento inedito" Quarto congresso internazionale di studi etiopici, Roma 10-15 aprile 1972 Roma, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1974, p. 482-499
In allegato
56 Fogli sciolti Piante della città d’Harrar 8 p. (ex: Harar nel 1880. Da Amer Mustafa Bey, Harar al tempo degli Egiziani, Distribuzioni della popolazione e tipi di abitazione di Harar indigena...)
In allegato
57 Capitolo Fernando Santagata "Il territorio ed i fattori ambientali" L'Harar. Territorio di pace e di civiltà Milano, Garzanti, 1940, p. 16, 128, 224, 272
In allegato M.Pigli, Panorama del Harar, Roma, 1937, p. 2-8
58 Capitolo Emilio Scarin Hararino. Ricerche e studi geografici Firenze, Sansoni, 1942, p. 116-123, tav. XV-XVIII
In allegato
59 Fogli sciolti Harrar, Hararge Province, Map of Harar, Legend to Map of Harar
In allegato
60 Articolo Tesfaye Gebre Sellassie "Harer Awraja" Ethiopian Geographical Journal vol. 5, n. 1, June 1967, p. 37-59
In allegato
61 Capitolo Joel Rasmussen "Dire Dawa Harrar" Welcome to Ethiopia Addis Abeba, 1961, p. 83-95
In allegato
62 Capitolo Andrzej Bartnicki, Joanna Mantel-Niećko "Terminologisches Wörterverzeichnis" Geschichte Äthiopiens von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart Berlin, Akademie-Verlag, 1978, p. 621-647
In allegato
63 Mappa Major Structural forms of precolonial African dwellings
In allegato maps (Map of Ethiopia showing distribution of housing types…, Schema type de villes continentals, Struktur islamicher Wohngebiete, Aerial view of El Ooued in the Souf…, Aerial view of the Husa town of Zaria, 1955, Paysage de Mopti, Graph showing differentiation of structure and materials used in relation to economy, Principe urbanistique des cites riveraines kotoko, …)
64 Mappa The city of Harer
In allegato Harar City with Mount Condudo from the painting by Afework Teckle
65 Documento Posters and Leaflets Sub Committee, Ministry of Culture and Sports Affairs International Campaign for Safeguarding Principal Monuments and Sites of Ethiopia December 1988, p. 9-20
In allegato
66 Documento Emile Foucher Harar. Bibliography (manoscritto + dattiloscritto)
In allegato
67 Documento Emile Foucher Aperçu historique sur la cité de Harar des origines à 1887 (dattiloscritto)
In allegato Discovering Harar, 7 p., (opuscolo) À la découverte de Harar, 8 p., (opuscolo)
68 Capitolo Eike Haberland, Helmut Straube "Nordost-Afrika. 4. Harari" Die Völker Afrikas und ihre traditionellen Kulturen. Teil 2 hrsg. von Hermann Baumann Wiesbaden, Steiner, 1975-1979, p. 96-97
In allegato
69 Capitolo Roger Sauter "Dire-Dauah und Harar" Äthiopien Zurich, 1968, p. 108-114
In allegato
70 Documento The city of Harar (manoscritto)
In allegato una bibliografia
71 Capitolo "English text without name" p. 154-171 (Themes: Ashanti settlements, Community, Ashanti village and house types, Details of construction, Building methods … + Bibliography)
In allegato
72 Documento Harar (table) - A compound with three houses, Background, Present Condition, Suggestion (manoscritto, fotocopie)
In allegato map House plan typology terminology map
73 Articolo Philipp Paulitschke "Kulturbilder aus den Somâl- und Gallaländern von Harar" Globus - Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde vol. 56, n. 5
In allegato
74 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Harar den Harari. Hoffnungslosigkeit und Chancen der Stadterhaltung am Beispiel Harar in Äthiopien" Basler Magazin n. 25(1997), p. 12-15
In allegato
75 Immagini Bilder Ost-Athiopien, Harar [81]: Blick in einen Hof in der Altstadt; [84]: eine Gruppe von Frauen in Harar konsumiert die sanfte Droge Chat; [85] Eine Frau pflückt Chat-Blätter, um sie zu kauen; [87] Bei einer Hariri-Hochzeit wird in einem Tanz der Brätigam umjubelt; [88]: Markt in Harar; [90]: Erösionsschutz (Terrassen) Leistung des Ex-Soldatenprojektes
In allegato
Classificatore 3
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
1 Capitolo Luigi Robecchi Bricchetti "Da Gialdessa ad Harrar" Nell’Harrar Milano, Galli, 1896, p. 93-106 (fotocopie)
In allegato
1 Capitolo Luigi Robecchi Bricchetti "Harrar" Nell’Harrar Milano, Galli, 1896, p. 107-124 (fotocopie)
In allegato
1 Capitolo Luigi Robecchi Bricchetti "Gli Harrarini" Nell’Harrar Milano, Galli, 1896, p. 125-144 (fotocopie)
In allegato
1 Capitolo Luigi Robecchi Bricchetti "Soggiorno in Harar" Nell’Harrar Milano, Galli, 1896, p. 145-164 (fotocopie)
In allegato
2 Mappa Harar, Pläne während Mission 1987-1988 CRCCH Project sections, Ministry of culture Contiene: "Condition of the Wall House Type", "Master Plan of Harar", "Infrastructure. Public area. Business area"
In allegato
3 Immagini Fotografie (4) di Harrar in b/n 15x10.5
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4 Documento Cartolina (1)
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5 Documento Kulturguterhaltung in Äthiopien (manoscritto)
In allegato
6 Articolo Elisabeth Dorothea Hecht "The City of Harar and the Traditional Harari House" Journal of Ethiopian Studies vol. 15, August 1982 (alcune fotocopie + diverse pagine manoscritte)
In allegato
7 Documento Auszüge aus dem Verzeichnis des Grundlagenmaterials (manoscritto)
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8 Formato misto Documenti personali (manoscritto)
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9 Fogli sciolti Brevi informazioni estratte da libri e articoli (manoscritti e/o fotocopie)
In allegato
10 Articolo "Hararino : Fatti d’insediamento" n. 11, Scarin, 1937-1938, p. 208
In allegato
10 Articolo "Hararino. Precipitazioni annue in mm." n. 11, Scarin, 1937-1938, p. 206
In allegato
10 Articolo "Hararino. Gruppi etnici" n. 11, Scarin, 1937-1938, p. 208
In allegato
10 Articolo "La vie di comunicazione fra Harar e Giggiga" n. 11, Scarin, 1937-1938, p. 128
In allegato
10 Articolo "Hararino.Gruppi etnici" (Govt. House Site, Sydney; Harar; Town and landscape Harar; Surroundings Harar; Aderi Houses; Alleys and public spaces; Wall Harar; Public and historical Buildings; Harar Province; Argoba Village; Relig. Festival …)
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Scatola 4
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
0 Diapositive (243)
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0 Foto in b/n (56) cm 25x20.
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0 Foto a colori (200), stampate su carta A4 cm 30x21
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Classificatore 5
Articoli vari di Fritz Stuber
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
1 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Freiräume in ihrem historischen städtischen Zusammenhang" Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt n. 9 (1983), p. 283-293
In allegato
2 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Vom Urheberinnen – zum Urheberinnengesetz für die Architektinnen" ProLitteris Gazzetta n. 2 (2000), p. 10-12
In allegato
3 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Collective spaces in their historical urban context" Momentum vol. 18-19, 1979, p. 15-23
In allegato “Conclusions finales du seminaire international sur l’amenagement des espaces collectifs urbains”, Momentum, vol. 18-19, (1979), p. 129-136
4 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Führt das Recht zum Zerfall der Baukultur" Der Bund n. 209, 8 September 1994, p. 2
In allegato
5 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Urheberrecht und Gesprächskultur" Basler Magazin n. 41, 15 October 1994, p. 11
In allegato
6 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Besonnungsvorschriften im Zwielicht" Aargauer Tagblatt 9 October 1992, p. 17
In allegato
7 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Kantonale Besonnungsvorschriften für den Wohnungsbau. Aargau und Zürich als Extremfälle" Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt n. 4(1993), p. 57-61
In allegato
8 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Prophylaktische Korrektur im Stadtbild" Werk, Bauen + Wohnen n. 3(1986), p. 74-76
In allegato
9 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Verdichten in Ein – und Zweifamilienhausgebiet" Aktuelles Bauen n. 6(1986), p. 12-14
In allegato
10 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Das Urheberrecht und die anstehende Mini-URG-Revision. Eine Stellungnahme zum Architektururheberrecht aus der Planungs- und Architekturpraxis: die Siedlung Zelgmatte Lenzburg als Fallbeispiel" Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt n. 21(2000), p. 462-466
In allegato
11 Articolo Fritz Stuber "M_glichkeiten und Grenzen des Gestaltungsplanes. Die Siedlung Zelgli in Lenzburg" Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt n. 6(1987), p. 135-139
In allegato
12 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Ein Nagel am Haus und einer in Kopf. Rolf Schroeter und sein Werk" Basler Magazin n. 3, 23 January 1999, p. 9
In allegato
13 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Des donatrices aux autrices, le droit des architectrices" ProLitteris Gazzetta n. 3(2000), p. 11-14
In allegato
14 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Dal diritto di datrice al diritto d’autrice per le architette" ProLitteris Gazzetta n. 3(2000), p. 13-15
In allegato
15 Articolo Fritz Stuber "Sidney’s Opera House – Not a World Heritage Item?" Collage n. 3(1998), p. 33-34
In allegato
Allegati [Sidney’s Opera House]
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
16 Articolo "Opernhaus von Sydney kein Weltkulturgut?" Neue Zürcher Zeitung n. 142, 23 June 1998, p. 19
In allegato
16/a Articolo Davina Jackson "Upstaging Sydney’s Opera" Architecture vol. 87, n. 4(1998) p. 26
In allegato
16/b Articolo Davina Jackson "Radar Circular Quay. The plot thickens in Australia’s most intense urban controversy as more developments appear on drawing boards for all sectors of Sidney’s Circular Quay" Architecture Australia January/February 1998, p. 22
In allegato
Classificatore 6
Corrispondenza varia: Africa, Etiopia, Harar, Addis Abeda
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
Formato misto Scritti a mano di Fritz Stuber ; Fotocopie di capitoli; Fotocopie di articoli ; Schede di richiesta di libri alla Zentralbibliothek, Zürich contenenti diversi riferimenti bibliografici
In allegato
Classificatore 7
Corrispondenza varia: Africa, Etiopia, Harar, Addis Abeda
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
Formato misto Corrispondenza privata; Documenti d’ufficio; Piani; Note personali; Progetti; Documenti di progetto; …
In allegato
Classificatore 8
Corrispondenza varia: Africa, Etiopia, Harar, Addis Abeda
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
Formato misto Corrispondenza privata (e-mails, lettere, cartoline, …)
In allegato
Classificatore 9
Corrispondenza varia: Africa, Etiopia, Harar, Addis Abeda
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
Formato misto Corrispondenza privata (e-mails, lettere, cartoline, …)
In allegato
Tubo di cartone 10
Num. Tipo Denominazione Allegati
Mappa Original Aderian House in Harar – based on plans of Ethiopian Ministry of Culture (CRCCH) Of 1987 (Mst 1:50; Gr. 42x84 cm; Data: 15.07.1992) (3 copie del piano originale)
In allegato 2 lucidi